Staande stenen


Many of the hundreds of visitors on Open Monuments Day every September have given donations for the preservation of the cemetery.

Donations to our foundation are under Dutch fiscal rules exempted from gift tax and inheritance tax.

Any gift will be highly appreciated on our ING Bank account:
NL26 INGB 0003376801
Account name: Stichting Instandhouding Joodse begraafplaats ’s-Gravenhage

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Totally dependent on donations..
Upkeep of the cemetery’s grounds, wall and grave-stones costs € 30,000 annually. The cemetery being a National Monument, it’s upkeep is mainly dependent on private donors. Over the past few decades, institutions and foundations such as depicted on this page have granted the cemetery donations. We are truly grateful for every financial help.

Why is this cemetery not entirely kept by the Jewish community?

According to Judaism, Jewish graves are to be for ever. Thus after more than two hundred years of service this cemetery was filled to capacity in 1906. Since then, annually an average of only five burials per year were carried out allowed due to exceptional circumstances.
Since 1906 the Jewish community keeps the Jewish cemetery in Wassenaar as its burial grounds.
The Jewish community of The Hague, decimated in the Shoa, has now no funds to keep two cemeteries. Therefore the upkeep of the Old Jewish Cemetery is completely dependent on donations and subsidies.

Vanaf Timorlaan
Substantial contributions have been obtained from the following bodies and organisations:
Ars DonandiPrins Bernhard CultuurfondsFonds 1818David Roos Weil StichtingLogo Joods LevenStichting Levi LassenImageImageImage