The remaining work days for this year are: Sunday March 27, Sunday April 24, Sunday May 29, Friday June 24, Sunday July 31, Sunday August 28, Friday September 23, Sunday October 30
Please pre-register:
A group of about ten volunteers, led by Rineke, wanted to work in the cemetery during the winter months. They decided to work once a month on the last Sunday of the month. January 29th was their third workday.
The weather couldn’t have been better, it was almost like spring for one day. There was a lot to do: the entrance was cleaned, the second hawthorn has been pruned, many gravestones were cleaned, including the grave of Jacques Levi Lassen, and two tombstones, perfectly preserved, were found under a mat of grass.
The tools which were used were greased for next time, a carpenter came by to advise us on the best way to store our garden tools and suddenly snowdrops appeared from under the leaves at the entrance.
There is one more winter workday before our regular schedule starts again: on Sunday, 26 February, from 12.00-16.00 – please pre-register: